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Oliver Fugler

Meet Metonymy’s next author: Lindsay Nixon

We are extremely excited to announce Lindsay Nixon as the author of Metonymy’s next book. Their manuscript, tentatively titled nîtisânak, was chosen for publication by the Gay Book Lovers Unite jury.

The Jury: Gay Book Lovers Unite

Four people who have participated in Metonymy’s celebrations and creations: Kama La Mackerel, Helen Chau Bradley, jia qing wilson-yang, Gwen Benaway.

ruth and oliver

When God Was a Girl

So we’ve been calling She Is Sitting in the Night a collaboration, but if it was that it was largely retroactive—a conversation that started in part before I was born. Literally. Ruth West started working on Thea’s Tarot when I was not yet a zygote, a fact that she is happy to emphasize with phrases like “back when dirt was new,” “when god was a girl, and “you don’t understand because you’re not old enough.”