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Major to Minor Skepticism

A little more than a decade ago I lived in a large collective house in a small college town. There were six full-time inhabitants, a rotating number of medium- to long-term guests, two bathrooms, one landline, no cellphones; at least half of us had long-distance lovers, and all of us had anxious hearts and a strong propensity for gossip. Sound familiar?

Mothers and Kings

Sometimes interpretation happens backwards and you realize you’ve written thousands of words with only a small grasp on something huge. That probably happens less if you’re a true researcher, which I am not, but even they always end up talking about all the next steps and things to investigate further. Let’s just assume that no one gets to the end of a big project feeling like it’s absolutely complete.

Tarot Tensions

Lately we’ve been tweaking the final drafts of the tarot manuscript (and finalizing cover designs – thanks Nazik Dakkach!), and something that’s come up editorially is messaging and themes.