Get in touch:
Adresse email:
Éditions Métonymie
PO Box 143 BP Saint Dominique
Montréal, QC H2S 3K6
Adresse de la rue:
635 ave. Beaumont
Montreal, QC
H3N 1V7
Office hours:
Our office hours are variable. Please reach out to find a time to stop by! You can reasonably expect to reach us by email, phone, or social media during our regular working days: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Please note that we are not accepting submissions until further notice.
Booksellers, libraries, and wholesalers, please find distribution information below:
LitDistCo in Canada
Or reach out to our sales reps at the Manda Group:
AK Press in the US
(510) 208-1708
Turnaround Publisher Services in the UK (and elsewhere apart from Canada and the US)
+44 (0) 20 8829 3000
ZOM-FAM by Kama La Mackerel is available in Mauritius through International Press and Book Distributors Ltd (IPBD).
+230 660 5252 / 53
For all other sales inquiries, including for ordering Thea’s Tarot, contact or visit our shop page.
Submission guidelines
*Please note* submissions are currently closed until further notice.
Our general submission guidelines are below, for reference only.
We accept simultaneous submissions; however, please let us know if your work does get accepted somewhere else prior to hearing back from us. Decisions are made by the acquisitions committee: Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch, H Felix Chau Bradley, Kama La Mackerel, Oliver Fugler, and Ashley Fortier.
Metonymy is a small independent Montreal-based press that publishes queer and feminist literary fiction and nonfiction by emerging writers. As one author put it, Metonymy books reframe power and affirm life.
We publish work that transgresses boundaries, undermines the status quo, and sustains those on the margins. If you have a writing project that would be a good fit, we want to hear about it!
Submissions of literary fiction and nonfiction geared at an adult audience will be prioritized, but we’re interested in looking at whatever you’ve got! (Please don’t send us full manuscripts as a first step, though.)
Please include the following in your submission:
- An introductory letter describing what you as an author can bring to the table, and what audience your book aims to reach. We do not require previous publishing experience (in fact, we are explicitly committed to supporting new writers), but we are interested in knowing if you have an existing network to tap into, a blog we can look at, research in a particular field, experiential knowledge, training, or anything else that you think will help propel the success of your book.
- A short summary or outline of the proposed project (including estimated final word count, table of contents if appropriate, and stage of manuscript completion). Please be sure to explain how you see the work fitting with Metonymy’s catalogue and mandate.
- A representative sample of the work (e.g. a full chapter, section, story, essay, or up to 10 pages of poetry).
Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!
Metonymy values feedback from everybody in our networks. If you do not have a book proposal to submit but want to make suggestions about authors, topics, and genres of literature you’d like to see us publish in the future, please share! We really want to keep gay book lovers satisfied.