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The Prairie Wind Is Gay AF: a preview of Lindsay Nixon’s nîtisânak
août 18, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Lindsay Nixon’s kinship memoir, nîtisânak, is out this fall from Metonymy Press. As part of Pervers/cité 2018, Lindsay will be reading from the upcoming book alongside some special guests.
Join us for a night of queer AF readings, featuring Lindsay, Helen Chau Bradley, and Eli Tareq Lynch!
This is a free event, with donations accepted for the readers.
Le Co-op Cagibi is on the 55 St-Laurent bus route. There are two steps to get inside. The front door, which will be propped open, is three feet wide. There are two gender-neutral washrooms, one of which is built to accessibility code. Part of the restaurant’s serving counter is three feet high. The main part of the venue is all one level.
About the book:
nîtisânak honours blood and chosen kin with equal care. A groundbreaking memoir spanning nations, prairie punk scenes, and queer love stories, it is woven around grief over the loss of their mother. It also explores despair and healing through community and family, and being torn apart by the same. Using cyclical narrative techniques and drawing on their Cree, Saulteaux, and Métis ancestral teachings, this work offers a compelling perspective on the connections that must be broken and the ones that heal.
About the readers:
LINDSAY NIXON is a Cree-Métis-Saulteaux curator, award-nominated editor, award-nominated writer and McGill Art History Ph.D. student. They currently hold the position of Editor-at-Large for Canadian Art. Nixon has previously edited mâmawi-âcimowak, an independent art, art criticism and literature journal, and their writing has appeared in Malahat Review, Room, GUTS, Mice, esse, The Inuit Art Quarterly, Teen Vogue and other publications. Their forthcoming memoir, nîtisânak, is to be released in September 2018 through Metonymy Press.
ELI TAREQ LYNCH is a poet working in Montreal. Their work has appeared in the Puritan, Carte Blanche, the Shade Journal, The New Quarterly, The Best Canadian Poetry 2018 anthology, and elsewhere, and they have work upcoming in Plenitude and Cosmonauts Avenue. They were one of the organizers of the Off the Page 2016 literary festival and participated in the Banff Centre’s ‘Centering Ourselves’ BIPOC residency.
HELEN CHAU BRADLEY is a former bookseller & forever reader. She writes in an attempt to distill a feeling. For her tiny book reviews and reading recommendations, follow @notesofacrocodile on Instagram.