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Little Blue Encyclopedia (for Vivian) fall 2019 tour

“I’m writing an encyclopedia about a television show for a friend of mine who died," says the narrator of Little Blue Encyclopedia (for Vivian)

Hazel Jane Plante's debut novel does just that, in layered, delightful, and dense prose. Out this October, the novel will launch in Vancouver, Burnaby, Victoria, Montreal, Toronto, and more. Hazel will also appear in September at Canzine Vancouver.

Dear Twin fall tour

Addie Tsai, Houston-based author, launches her debut crossover YA novel, Dear Twin!

About the book:

Poppy is a biracial, Asian, queer, 18-year-old living in Houston, Texas. Shortly after high school graduation, her twin sister, Lola, goes missing. Poppy lives with her father, who has become incredibly possessive and anxious of Poppy since Lola has left, making her defer college for a year. She decides to write her twin a series of letters about her side of the story regarding some of the trauma they’ve both experienced, hoping it might bring Lola back, and that she’ll be able to leave for college with her love, a Korean butch girl named Juniper.

Poetry for the Summer Soul

POETRY FOR THE SUMMER SOUL is an online poetry evening co-organized by Metonymy Press and l'Euguélionne featuring Montreal-based poets Shanice Nicole, Powetik and Kama La Mackerel. Together these three poets will share some pieces and talk about how poetry nurtures their souls.
Each of these remarkable and thoughtful poets will do a reading of their work, prompting discussions about the power of art and creativity and poetry to influence the world we live in for the better.


A Natural History of Transition – Spring 2021 events

A Natural History of Transition is a collection of short stories that disrupts the notion that trans people can only have one transformation. Like the landscape studied over eons, change does not have an expiration date for these trans characters, who grow as tall as buildings, turn into mountains, unravel hometown mysteries, and give birth… Lire la suite »A Natural History of Transition – Spring 2021 events

Club des écrivains indisciplinés

Montreal and area writers, join THE UNRULY WRITERS CLUB.

***A space to create our work, grounded in disability justice***

What to expect: Hands-on exercises, mutual support, the opportunity for sharing and feedback in a supportive setting. And -- dedicated time to write!


Tilting of the Earth: A Metonymy Press Solstice Showcase

After a long dark solitary winter and tentative spring, four writers emerge gloriously at the onset of summer: Kama La Mackerel, Helen Chau Bradley, Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch and Callum Angus are brimming with pent-up words to soothe and destroy you — in any case you’ll want to experience their effects.


The Good Arabs: Montreal launch

Champs des possibles

THE GOOD ARABS grounds the reader in place, language, and the body. Peeling and rinsing radishes. Dancing as a pre-teen to Nancy Ajram. Being drenched in stares on the city bus. The collection is an interlocking and rich offering of the speaker’s communities, geographical surroundings both expansive and precise, and family both biological and chosen.


Book Launch – Personal Attention Roleplay by Helen Chau Bradley

Co-op Le Cagibi 5490 Blvd. St Laurent, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Please join us for the hometown soft launch of Helen Chau Bradley's debut fiction: Personal Attention Roleplay

Coop Le Cagibi, 6596 St-Laurent
Free event
7-9 pm
October 21, 2021
with special guests David Bradford, River Halen Guri, and Sruti Islam
