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Metonymy selected for the 2023 Mordecai Richler Writer-in-Residence Program at McGill

Four headshots side-by-side featuring Felix, Kama, Val and Eli Tareq

Authors and publishers will be rotating throughout the Winter 2023 semester doing events & office hours as well as creating work.

In January, the residency will begin with a publishing panel including Metonymy and other local small presses Metatron, House House, and B&D Press. H. Felix Chau Bradley will be the writer-in-residence, and Markus Harwood-Jones will be a visiting author. We will host a conversation about the editorial relationship between Felix and Markus. Felix is currently doing the substantive edit of Markus’s forthcoming YA novel, The Haunting of Adrian Yates. Markus will travel from Toronto to do this event in person and will also meet with students in Bronwen Low’s YA class.

In February, the writer-in-residence will be Kama La Mackerel. On Monday, February 6 we will host a Metonymy author showcase. Later in the month, we are planning a translation conversation between Kama La Mackerel, Valérie Bah, and (hopefully) Stéphane Martelly about translation in the context of Les Enrag.é.es / The Rage Letters and more broadly as it relates to translating within and across queer, trans, Black, multilingual and diaspora communities.

In March, writer-in-residence will be Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch. On Wednesday, March 29, we will host a discussion featuring co-editors of the upcoming queer and trans Arab anthology El Ghourabaa — Eli Tareq and Samia Marshy. This event will focus on the process of putting together an anthology in general as well as some specific conversations/considerations that have come up so far in the process of this project.

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