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A Natural History of Transition


Available in paperback (for customers living in Canada and in the US), PDF (worldwide), and EPUB (worldwide).

by Callum Angus
Spring 2021

Publishing Triangle Edmund White Award for Debut Fiction, Finalist
Lammy Award for Transgender Fiction, Finalist
Oregon Book Awards Ken Kesey Award for Fiction, Finalist
Otherwise Award Honor List

A Natural History of Transition is a collection of short stories that disrupts the notion that trans people can only have one transformation. Like the landscape studied over eons, change does not have an expiration date for these trans characters, who grow as tall as buildings, turn into mountains, unravel hometown mysteries, and give birth to cocoons. Portland-based author Callum Angus infuses his work with a mix of alternative history, horror, and a reality heavily dosed with magic.

Callum Angus is a trans writer and editor currently based in Portland, Oregon. His work has appeared in Nat. Brut, West Branch, LA Review of Books, Catapult, The Common, Seventh Wave Magazine and elsewhere. He has received support from Lambda Literary and Signal Fire Foundation for the Arts, and he holds an MFA from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He is the founding editor of the journal smoke and mold.

UGS : N/A Catégorie:

Author: Callum Angus

ISBN: 9781999058876 (print)

ISBN: 9781999058883 (EPUB)

ISBN: 9781998898084 (PDF)

Cover by Kiva Stimac (Popolo Press)

  • Paperback, 200 pages
  • Printed in Quebec
  • Publication date: April 27, 2021

“The journey into alternate histories, enchanted possibilities, and unexplainable metamorphoses offer their own answers, sometimes to questions you didn’t ask.”
—Madeleine Moss, Chicago Review of Books

“A beautiful and mystifying collection of stories that arrives at a time when it’s much needed.”
—Nour Abi-Nakhoul, Montreal Review of Books

“Angus captures a feeling of transness that one too often has to dig for, or else may never see at all. His characters are simply human, flawed and imperfect, but wholly alive in their own way. To be offered the diversity of transgender experiences and bodies, when so often we are forced to take what we are given, is a delightful treat.”
—Cleo Peterson, The Ex-Puritan

“Callum Angus is one of the younger writers I’m most excited by, with a mind full of marvels and an ear to match. Every story surprises; every sentence strives gorgeously toward music. This is writing as transition, as entrancement, as transcendence.”
—Garth Greenwell, author of Cleanness and What Belongs to You

“How did we do without A Natural History of Transition for so long?  Down with the medicalized so-called histories of our selves! Cal Angus has written our history as something much lusher, more fantastical, and for that reason, more true.”
—Jordy Rosenberg, author of Confessions of the Fox


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