Okaaaaaayyyy so here it is kids, me trying to use the internet again. Last time I had a blog I told two people about it and it was the same with the one before that. It causes me some pain to put my words into the world but that is too bad because Metonymy is about to publish its first book and I wrote it and I want people to read it and use it so I decided I’d better give myself a warm-up.
The book was a project initiated by Rima Athar and uses the images from a tarot deck Ruth West made back in 1984 (we’ll tell you more about the copies we have later), so really it is a collaboration between people and across time. And that process is what we are going to try to track in this forum, possibly (I hope!) including video/audio with the help of Kristin Li and AWFVL video collective, to talk about tarot, feminism, gender, woman-centric imagery, paper-cut art, and other underpinnings of many queer communities today (witness the popularity of the Collective Tarot).
Please join us! It’s our first time! We’re going to make mistakes and we’re going to tell your future!
– Oliver (Metonymy Press Co-Publisher and author of our upcoming first book)