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Unruly Writers Club



We are a supportive writing community that centres queer and disability experiences in our way of coming together and in the stories we tell.

We hold online sessions every two weeks to work on our own projects and connect during breaks. We also do occasional workshops based on writing prompts.

 For more information, email:  

The cover image of a magazine. The text, “unruly writers Font September issue 2022”, issue written over a white arm strewn over a blanket.


Our main goal is to write together, but sometimes we do collaborations like the Unruly issue of Font Magazine.



UWC is a drop-in group. You are welcome to join whenever you can.

Expect dedicated time to write with scheduled breaks (cameras on or off), writing prompts, accountability, mutual support, and good people.

To join, email:  

Upcoming sessions:

March 20- independent writing with shared brakes and peer to peer skill share on writing with care for our readers
April 3- independent writing with shared brakes
April 17- independent writing with shared brakes
May 15- independent writing with shared brakes and peer to peer skill share on organizing writing projects
May 29- independent writing with shared brakes
Wednesday Jun 11- independent writing with shared brakes


Write the stories you needed as a kid and

the stories you want to write for future generations ❤


Text over white background reads Words, a gift an offering


ASL/LSQ interpretation, available on request

Priority for disabled and d/Deaf, chronically ill people, QTBIPOC folks, queer and trans people, people with mental health diagnoses, undiagnosed people… people with unruly bodies.

UWC is a collaboration between Metonymy Press, Aimee Louw and QPIRG McGill.

For more information, email: